About Us
Aleksandr Bukalov and Olga Karpenko
are the founders and heads of the
International Institute of Socionics
Our experience
is at your service
The International Institute of Socionics is a single center for certification of specialists in this field. Since 1991, we have been carrying out research and consulting work on orders from state and non-state organizations, divisions of large corporations, banks, enterprises and firms in Ukraine, Germany and other countries. We have worked with teams of 150 enterprises, firms, banks and institutions, with thousands of people.

Alexander BUKALOV
Director of the International Institute of Socionics
PhD in Psychology, PhD in Socionics
He is an author of more than 400 scientific and research papers and methods, trainings and educational courses in the field of socionics, psychology and management, the book “Socionics: the secret of human relations and bioenergetics” (total circulation – 130 thousand copies) and the monograph “Personality Potential and the Mysteries of Human Relations”.
He is among the 1% of the most cited psychologists in the CIS (ranked 120th out of 10,000 scientists in this field).
Editor-in-chief of the journals “Socionics, mentology and psychology of personality”, “Management and personnel: psychology of management, socionics and sociology”, “Psychology and socionics of interpersonal relations”, “Physics of consciousness and life, cosmology and astrophysics”.
He heads of more than 150 expert-consulting works and trainings at enterprises and organizations in Ukraine and other countries.

Deputy Director of the International Institute of Socionics
PhD in Socionics
She is a teacher of socionics, author and presenter of intensive training courses and workshops on socionics, conflictology, and teamwork.
She is a deputy editor-in-chief of the journals “Socionics, Mentology, and Psychology of Personality”, “Management and Personnel: Management Psychology, Socionics, and Sociology”, “Psychology and Socionics of Interpersonal Relations”, “Physics of Consciousness and Life, Cosmology, and Astrophysics”.
As an expert consultant for MIS, she has conducted over 150 expert consulting assignments at enterprises and organizations in Ukraine, Germany, and other countries.
She is an author of about 200 scientific and practical works on socionics, psychology of management and administration, and the book “Statics/dynamics in graphics and drawing tests”.

Our work is
with people and for people
You can discuss with us all personal problems and issues of relationships with loved ones.
We conduct individual, couple, family psychological and socionic consultations. Socionic consultation will be useful for those who strive for long-term serious relationships, as well as couples in which problems have accumulated.
If you are faced with the problem of choosing a future profession or retraining and changing the field of activity, our experience can help you find the right solution.
We provide consultations on issues of education and career guidance for children and adolescents, and give recommendations on the interaction of parents and educators with children.
Leaders in the field of socionics
We have worked with teams of 150 enterprises, firms, banks and institutions, with thousands of people. No one else has such experience.
Anytime, anywhere
We provide consultations via Zoom and in messengers Facebook, WhatsApp and Viber, as well as in Skype.
Any questions
With us you can discuss issues of raising and vocational guidance for children, choosing or changing a profession or field of activity, personal problems and issues of relationships with loved ones.
fulfill yourself today
Add the benefits of socionics to your life:
reveal your potential, understand your partners,
choose a business to your heart’s content