Many issues of raising children and understanding them are easier to solve if you know the child's socionic type and his individual characteristics. Understanding how he differs from you and his peers, it will be easier for you to choose the right line of behavior and create favorable conditions for the comprehensive development of his personality.
Age and child psychology
Child psychology defines development patterns that must be taken into account in raising children. From the very birth of a child, parents, educators and doctors pay attention to how the child gains weight, grows, masters motor and speech skills and expresses his emotions. Age psychology outlines the framework of these norms. However, all children are different, each child develops in his own way. And the socionic type plays a significant role in these differences. Knowledge of socionics provides significant assistance in raising children.
Education and Socionics
Children, depending on their socionic types, are given school subjects differently, they are suited to different learning styles: for some it is enough to explain "general principles", while others need to independently solve a dozen examples; for one, working in a group is a chance to fully reveal themselves, while another works much more successfully alone. Learning in a suitable style allows a student to achieve greater success.
Personality formation
When children freely demonstrate the best qualities of their socionic type, their upbringing and personality development occur harmoniously. Favorable conditions for the upbringing of children are easier to create by relying on their strengths. But each socionic type also has "weaknesses." When adults are indulgent and have patience and endurance to give the child time and opportunity to master the required skills, this gives children confidence in their abilities and improves their mutual understanding with their parents.
The degree of manifestation of socionic personality traits depends on age, so the staff of the International Institute of Socionics will help you with the definition of some socionic characteristics of children over 6 years old. For a younger age group, it is more appropriate to seek advice from a child psychologist.
Socionics consultationchildren from 7 to 14 years old will help parents to more accurately assess the child's inclinations, the peculiarities of his learning style, and establish mutual understanding. After 14 years, the socionic type can be determined quite accurately, therefore, during the consultation, recommendations can be given on the formation of the child's personality, his socialization and possible career guidance taking into account his socionic type.