Each person is unique, their psyche has its own structure and is formed over many years. The combination of socionic and psychological approaches allows the consultants of our Center to identify key personality parameters and offer you methods and strategies of behavior in various situations that are important to you.
Human psychology
Strengthening the approaches of practical psychology with socionic methods allows one to deeply understand a person, to identify the motives of his behavior, often unconscious to him. Therefore, a consultation with a socionic psychologist helps not only to understand oneself more deeply, but also to receive recommendations on the development and self-development of the personality.
Psychology of personality
To understand psychology and motivation – your own or that of your loved ones – you need to turn to effective and proven methods, and not only to personality psychology, but first of all to socionics, which gives a concise but precise picture of the structure of the psyche, indicating strengths and problem areas. Having received such a "map" of your psyche, you yourself will be able to decide in which direction to move and develop.
Personal development
Very often a person tries to act, work, build relationships, using not the strongest sides of his psyche, but relying on those skills that were instilled in him in childhood or that he acquired through life experience. That is why success is low, because he enters into competition with those people who are naturally stronger in this area.
Having learned during an individual consultation the main parameters and structure of your psyche, your strengths and problem areas, you will understand where you act better than others and gain additional confidence in your abilities.